Friday, February 24, 2012

Is this real life?

In case the name of my blog did not queue you in, I have all sorts of ailments that contribute to my grannyness.  One of which is my bad back.

For the last ten years I have been dealing with neck and back issues stemming from a car accident.  Ever since then I have been seeking treatment to get this pain in my neck (har har) to disappear.  

I have tried tons of muscle relaxers and none of them have done very much.  I never so much as felt conked out while on the mind altering, muscle soothing pills.  They were just like Tylenol, barely putting a dent in my pain.

So it was with some skepticism that I took a new muscle relaxer last night that my pain doctor gave me.  I gave her an extra side eye when she said I could take two if I really needed to. 

These must not be strong, I thought, if I can take two.

But I was achin' pretty bad, so I went with it and popped one of the little suckers.

Between nodding off at any given moment and completely forgetting what I was doing while I was cooking dinner, those little suckers completely relaxed me and made me forget about my neck pain.

To sum up, I was like "David goes to the Dentist."  I even said to Mr. G (with drool coming out of my mouth) "I feel like Shauni goes to the dentist" on more than one occasion last night.  (The poor dear had no idea what I was talking about since he does not know the names of YouTube videos like I do.  But once I started asking if this was real life, he clued in.)

I slept like a [drooling] rock last night.


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