Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It dawned on me yesterday that this is my first full week back at work since the week of December 12th.  I am going to be pooped by Friday.

Correction: I am already pooped.

On top of my additional work hours this week, I have been taking some new muscle relaxers and anti anxiety medication for my neck pain.

I'm sorry, I just fell asleep at my computer.

All I want to do is wear sweat pants, sleep for 10-11 hours a night, go for a run outside in the sun today, and then watch Rescue Me and Mad Men and then maybe restart Friday Night Lights all over again.  And have Chinese Takeout delivered.  And maybe take a bath but certainly not a shower.  Too much work.  And then start all over with the sleeping for 10-11 hours. 

And get a massage.  

And kiss my husband.

And not put makeup on, blow dry my hair, or shave my legs.

 I am too tired for anything else in life.

Exhausted Bubbie

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